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Our Mission

We are committed to loving every life, helping children, families, and adults in their time of need.

Love a Life is a non-profit outreach dedicated to helping those in need. Our organization provides hope and love by helping to meet both tangible and personal needs. We help to provide food, clothing, shelter, life rehabilitation, education, and job training resources through our several programs and outreaches. We aim to reach hurting and needy children, families and adults across all races and cultures each year. We also believe strongly in helping to protect our children and families from online cyber dangers, and work diligently to bring awareness and education in areas such as preventing child sex-trafficking, preventing elder exploitation. Children and adults are in danger of being exploited online and we work to help stop it! Love a Life’s outreaches provide tangible necessities, and intangable necessities such as public awareness, education, and training to hundreds of thousands of individuals throughout our communities. Love a Life networks with public agencies, corporations, non-profit organizations, foundations and individuals from around the world to achieve our mission. Love a Life staff implements programs that love the unloved, meet the needs, and solve the problems in our community through the development of new and innovative methods.

Love a Life also strives to help solve homelessness, crime, drugs, moral decay and poverty epidemics that exist in our nation’s cities. The vision of Love a Life is to see millions of people gain awareness, perspective, and new life through the loving efforts of our staff, volunteers, and partners. Made up of many races, nationalities, and cultures, Love a Life has an open door policy, making available all of our programs and outreaches accessible to every person without discrimination of any kind.

Outreach & Causes

Homeless & Indigent

Love a Life is dedicated to helping those in need. The Homeless & Indigent outreach and programs are implemented to help relieve the physical and personal burdens many face due to their circumstances. We share our love to the homeless and or individuals coming out of challenging life situations in order to reconcile these individuals with their families, facilitate reentry into mainstream society and help them reach success in their communities and lives.

Care & Education & Awareness

Love a Life continues to serve its communities by organizing activities that will promote positive lifestyles and bring awareness to new age online dangers that target our children and vulnerable adults. Such efforts are designed to reach the population in general including those who are in special need.

Save Our Children

Love a Life works to save children from social dangers such as Child Sex Trafficking, and provide for the needs of the orphaned, impoverished, and otherwise needy within our community.

Adopt A Block

Teams of volunteers go into the community and paint graffiti, sweep the streets, and pick up garbage. Teams also bring food and clothes to families in need.

Food & Goods Distribution

We provide necessities, cooked meals, canned foods, and bagged groceries to needy children, families, and adults including those experiencing issues of hunger at several sites throughout our community.

Sharing the Love

Teams of volunteers come together to host a public presentation at no cost to the general public. Held at a public venue, we share information to both adults and youth to help encourage and motivate a positive lifestyle.